2009/4/1 Oskar Sigvardsson <oskarsigvards...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Ken Arromdee <arrom...@rahul.net> wrote:
>> Generally, I'm not a fan of this sort of joke.  They give the impression of
>> "we get to break the rules when we want to, as long as it's funny.
>> Meanwhile, everyone else has to follow them."
>> (And WP:COI really does seem to say it's a conflict of interest for an
>> article about the Earth to be made by Earthlings.  It's easy to invoke IAR
>> and say that that's not what it's supposed to mean, but it's not all that
>> different from other examples that we're supposed to take seriously as being
>> COI.)
> Oh, lighten up! People are just having a little fun, no one takes it
> seriously, and no one is "breaking the rules". People are just having
> a laugh! It's a small bit of satire at the culture at AfD, and an
> opportunity for people to make Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (our
> spiritual ancestor) jokes.

Amen. Surely it's a good sign that the community can take the piss out
of itself.

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