
I think the first step is for the Foundation to be more open and
transparent about what work it is actually doing for commercial re-users,
and to announce such work proactively to both donors and the community.
There should be a dedicated space where such information is collected and
available to the public. Major developments should be announced on the
Wikimedia blog.

If some engineering team does work *specifically* for Amazon Kindle, Amazon
Echo, Google Play, Siri etc., then in my view the companies concerned
should pay for that work, or the work should be left to a for-profit
contractor. It should not be paid for by donors.

Donors do not give money to the Foundation so it can flood the knowledge
market with a free product that a handful of companies then earn billions

As for API use, if there are *generic* APIs that multiple commercial
re-users can benefit from, then they should be charged according to their
usage, with small users operating below a certain threshold being exempt
from payment.

Lastly, we should not seek world domination. :) It's unhealthy, especially
in the world of information and knowledge. Prices should be high enough
that some competition is possible.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 5:32 PM, Jimmy Wales <jimmywa...@ymail.com> wrote:

> On the very specific topic of donor funding going to help commercial
> re-users, we've had some interesting but inconclusive board discussions
> about this topic.  Despite that he takes every opportunity to attack me,
> and surely it will disappoint him to know, but my general view is 100%
> in agreement with him on the core issue - where commercial re-users are
> getting enormous value from our work, they should be paying for the
> engineering resources required for their support.
> Here are two push-backs on the idea that I do think are deserving of
> serious consideration:
> 1. Part of our core mission as a community is free access - will a "pay
> for service" model for APIs for commercial re-users alienate a
> significant portion of the community?  Does requiring some to pay while
> others get it free raise questions similar to those around "net
> neutrality"?
> As a historical footnote, there was a deal many years ago with
> Answers.com to give them access to an API which they used to present our
> content alongside many other resources.  They paid for that - not a huge
> amount, but it was meaningful back in those days.  I don't recall this
> being particularly controversial.
> 2. In many cases it may be too simplistic to simply say "a company is
> benefiting, so they should pay".  The point is that *we* also benefit,
> from increased readership for example, from our work making it to end
> users as technology changes and as the way people get information
> changes.  There is certainly a situation where setting too high a price
> would simply push commercial re-users to not use our content at all, so
> sensible pricing would be key.  And with real serious ongoing analysis,
> the right price could still be "free" even if we in principle charge.
> ----
> For me, despite those being real concerns, I come down firmly on the
> side of being careful about falling into a trap of doing lots of
> expensive work for commercial re-users without having them pay.  I don't
> actually think we do a lot of that right now.  What I'd like to see is
> more of it, and I'm pretty agnostic about whether that's in the form of
> "self-financing cottage industries" or a "separate for-profit arm" or
> within the current engineering organization.  I can see arguments for
> any of those.
> On 2/28/16 8:02 AM, Andreas Kolbe wrote:
> > On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 3:24 PM, Dariusz Jemielniak <dar...@alk.edu.pl>
> > wrote:
> >
> > We COULD outsource most of our tech (I'm not supporting this, I'm just
> >> giving perspective).
> >>
> >
> >
> > One thing I've been wondering about of late is how much donor-funded the
> > work the WMF is doing that is primarily designed to support commercial
> > re-users.
> >
> > The other day, I read an Engineering report on the Wikimedia blog that
> > spoke of the Wikipedia Zero team doing "side project" work for Amazon
> > Kindle and Google Play.
> >
> > I was thinking, Why are donors paying for that? – especially at a time
> when
> > the Foundation worries about being able to sustain fundraising growth.
> >
> > Wikimedia content is worth billions. Wikidata in particular has huge
> > potential value for commercial re-users.[1] So have the link-ups between
> > Wikipedia and Amazon, Google, Bing etc.
> >
> > It's clear that even in 2008, the Foundation was inundated with "multiple
> > product-specific pitches" from Google.[2] I imagine the breadth and
> number
> > of these pitches from Silicon Valley companies can only have increased
> > since then.
> >
> > Sure, Wikimedia is committed to using its donated funds to make content
> > freely available under an open licence, but does that mean donors should
> > also be paying for programming work that is primarily designed to support
> > commercial re-users?
> >
> > That work could be done by self-financing cottage industries built up by
> > Wikimedians, working for profit, or even a for-profit arm of the
> > Foundation. All the Foundation would have to do would be to provide basic
> > documentation; the rest could be left to the open market.
> >
> > The astonishing thing to me is that there seems to be very little or no
> > publicity and transparency from the WMF about developments in this area.
> > For instance, I was unable to find any WMF communication about Wikipedia
> > Smart Lookup being integrated in the Amazon Kindle (something Amazon
> > announced in 2014),[3] even though WMF teams clearly have done
> programming
> > work on this. You'd have thought having Wikipedia search embedded in a
> > major product like the Kindle is a big thing, worthy of a
> community-facing
> > announcement?
> >
> > In short, I think the WMF should collate and publicise more information
> > about commercial re-use applications, and be transparent about the work
> > it's doing to support such re-use. Maybe there is another "transparency
> > gap" here.[4]
> >
> > And if there is any work that the Foundation is currently doing that
> > primarily benefits commercial re-users, then I think it should stop doing
> > that for free (= at donors' expense), and allow for-profit contractors to
> > spring up and pitch for that work. That would allow the non-profit
> > foundation to focus on user-facing improvements.
> >
> > Andreas
> >
> > [1]
> >
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/02/25/wikidata_turns_the_world_into_a_database/
> > [2] See Sue Gardner's email quoted on the last two pages of
> > http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/sandberg.pdf
> > [3]
> >
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/forums/kindleqna/ref=cs_hc_k_m_oldest?ie=UTF8&forumID=Fx1FI6JDSFEQQ7V&cdThread=Tx27IU7Z5IQJV2J&cdSort=oldest
> > [4]
> >
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Foundation_transparency_gap#Transparency_about_donor-funded_work_supporting_commercial_re-users
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