On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 1:34 PM Paulo Santos Perneta <
paulospern...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I fail to understand why, among the dozens of people
> chosen to be part of the Working Groups, there's not a single one that can
> be identified as a representative of that community.

Well, you can slice the community in many ways. If you consider the number
of contributors to the Portuguese Wikipedia with more than 5 edits per
month, the number it is at about 1500 editors [1], however Wikidata is at
8200 editors [2] and it doesn't have representation either. I'm not trying
to belittle the issue of lack of representation that you brought forward, I
just want to illustrate that it is not an uncommon problem, perhaps because
never before it had to be addressed.

> My feeling, when I see those lists, is that we have been excluded from the
> WMF Strategy objectives for 2030.

I don't like to think in drastic terms like these because it fails to
recognize the amount of good will that has been poured into the process and
the selection of participants by the Strategy team. It is perhaps more
interesting to think in terms of opportunities. The issues have been
already pointed out, some possible solutions have been put forward, and
perhaps there are even more options for participation that we are not aware
of. I trust that the Strategy team will come up with ways to close the
gaps, and the best we can do is offer our assistance to make things better.
In the end this is a matter of work... work to have discussions, work to
make them productive, work to find consensuses, work to make the
consensuses legitimate, work to inform about it... so I see plenty of
opportunities to give a hand anywhere and make life easier to those

Enjoy your day,

[1] https://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/Sitemap.htm
[2] https://stats.wikimedia.org/wikispecial/EN/TablesWikipediaWIKIDATA.htm
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