On 8/8/2010 12:51 PM, Robert Rohde wrote:
> I came out to Dolores Park yesterday.  My girlfriend and I got there
> at 2:20, and then spent 30 minutes walking around without finding
> anyone I knew or seeing any sign I could recognize.  Given that I knew
> most of the people who said they were coming, this is rather
> frustrating.
Robert, A group of us remained at 19th and Delores, under the bell, 
until sometime past 2:30, when Phoebe arrived.  Nobody thought to bring 
any kind of sign, but Alex had a Wikipedia t-shirt.  The Facebook page 
mentioned 19th and Delores (which I put in myself, knowing that Delores 
Park is a big park and often takes some time to find people).  Brion 
couldn't make it and Jon was unavoidably detained in Berkeley; but the 
rest of us were all there.

We went to get ice cream at that time, because it seemed unlikely that 
anyone else was coming; and we remained on the lookout for you, since 
you were the only one left unaccounted-for.  We then returned to the 
park around 3ish, where Eugene met us and we sat there until well past 

I'm sorry you couldn't find us, and that nobody provided a common phone 
number.  Maybe we should make a point to exchange numbers.  A number of 
us were checking email regularly to see if anyone was still missing, but 
maybe someone needs to be in charge of signs and signals.  I think it's 
Jon, actually, but if he doesn't show up then we're FUBAR.


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