You can very much have an entity (and even file tax returns or request
tax-exempt status at a federal or state level) without incorporation and
can have legally binding agreements despite the lack of incorporation. It
does sometimes open users up to a bit more personal liability but can be a
very good option for people who are just getting together to do something
good :).

The uniform definition I generally see is that an "unincorporated nonprofit
association as an unincorporated organization consisting of three or more
members joined by mutual consent for a common, nonprofit purpose"


On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 1:25 AM, Samuel Klein <> wrote:

> When you have chapters and affiliates that aren't incorporated, how do you
> handle agreements or grants between such entities?  SJ.
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 10:31 PM, Michael C. Berch <>wrote:
>> On Dec 19, 2012, at 6:49 PM, James Alexander wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 4:41 PM, Michael C. Berch <>wrote:
>>>  There are no legal or financial stakes, the issue of "municipalities"
>>> is an irrelevant triviality, and it just serves to annoy people.
>>> --
>>> Michael C. Berch
>>> User:MCB
>> There most certainly are legal and financial stakes. An incorporated
>> organization costs a not insignificant amount of resources and cash to
>> maintain even before they do anything at all. This is especially true when
>> you are spanning multiple diverse jurisdictions (such as states or
>> countries) and have to know at least some of the laws of each. I don't
>> think towns/cities are a major problem. I'm sure it will be an added
>> wrinkle given that the jurisdiction overlaps the foundations offices itself.
>> I can't speak to jurisdictions outside the U.S., but I have a fair amount
>> of experience and expertise with respect to both business and nonprofit
>> entities in the U.S. I have formed and advised a number of both as an
>> attorney, and I can assure you that there are no problems in operating a
>> 501(c)(3) organization (or similar) that operates in multiple or
>> overlapping states, counties, or municipalities. It is also not
>> particularly necessary that a "chapter" or "affiliate" of a national or
>> global nonprofit (like Wikimedia Foundation) be, itself, an incorporated
>> entity. (The Board of Directors may specify that as a requirement, but it
>> is not a legal one.)
>> Inexperienced organizations often "over-organize" when it comes to local
>> chapters and affiliates, drawing precise geographical jurisdictional lines
>> or requiring that the affiliates represent some particular level of
>> subnational entities.  There are a number of reasons why this happens,
>> including intra-organizational politics and misunderstanding of legal
>> issues. It is almost never a good idea, and as we see, generates unneeded
>> conflicts.
>> --
>> Michael C. Berch
>> User:MCB
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