On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 9:21 PM, Bence Damokos <bdamo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Theo10011 <de10...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Bence Damokos <bdamo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In light of recent recommendations to set up an SIG instead of
>>> autonomous groups, I was wondering if there is any available documentation
>>> on the process and benefits of doing so?
>>> I was looking at
>>> http://wiki.wikimedia.in/City_and_Language_SIG_subcommittee_chair, the
>>> only page I could find on the topic on the Wikimedia India wiki, but that
>>> did not seem to explain the process and nature of SIGs. (Also, I haven't
>>> seen them defined in Wikimedia India's bylaws.)
>>> What did I miss?
>> As I seem to recall, SIG roles weren't really fleshed out in terms of
>> real world implications. Majority of the chapter board that was working on
>> it resigned or left after their respective terms.
>> This new initiative to create user groups within India is being led by
>> WMF staff from my perspective.
> I don't think it should be looked at in that way. I think the main idea is
> to empower volunteers (and while many many are self-empowered, labels and
> affiliation can still provide the final push) regardless of their location.
> This is not about a top down imposition (or even if it was, the costs are
> minimal, and the benefits could be big if the empowerment happens).
> The Indian SIG model could be a way to achieve the same goal, perhaps in
> parallel, but as long as the process and requirements are not publicly
> defined they might not be serving their purpose and it is difficult to
> expect people excited by the idea of of the empowerment that comes from
> affiliation to choose the (process-wise) undefined SIG model. That is why I
> was wondering where the process and requirements are defined; what would a
> regular Joe need to do to set up a SIG?

You seem to know more about the SIG model than us. :P  I dont understand
the point of the original question now.

You are going by what can be or should have been, I was providing what had
happened. It's all to empower volunteers, sure, but the rest of your
intentions may or may not be shared by the board members who thought of the
concept. I don't know so I can only speak from my assumption. It can
be reformulated too but that depends on the current chapter board.

In my opinion, this nebulous mix of SIG, user groups, chapters and other
entities is going to get more complicated as we go along, and would likely
result in turf-wars rather than anything productive but anyway, I have been
travelling so I might have missed some of the developments, I'll try and
follow up later.

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