At 16:09 -0800 2/3/09, AndrewRT wrote:
>We're hoping to make the business side of the AGM as quick as
>possible, but does anyone have any resolutions they would like to be
>put to the meeting?
>At the moment the resolutions are:
>1. Setting the maximum number of Directors to seven
>2. Appointing those people elected under the Election Rules as
>3. Setting the Membership fee to £12 per year and £6 for concessions
>4. Entrenchment of Election Rules
>5. Adoption of Membership Rules
>6. Entrenchment of the Chapter Agreement
>(entrenchment is a legal term which means a future Board would be
>unable to repeal or revise them without the permission of the
>Members will be able to vote by email for these if they prefer, or in
>person at the AGM. Full details are set out at
>Also, does anyone want to propose any amendment to any of these
>Please let me know if you have anything you would like to raise.

Where does the "registered charity" status and hence the application fit?

At the AGM, or later?


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