On Mar 3, 4:00 pm, Gordon Joly <gordon.j...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Where does the "registered charity" status and hence the application fit?
> At the AGM, or later?
> Gordo

As Tango said, charities can be of two types: those with an income of
more than £5,000 ("registered charities") are registered with the
Charities Commission and those under £5,000 ("exempt charities") may
register with HMRC if they want to reclaim income tax on Gift Aided

At the moment we are working on getting HMRC recognition as a charity
so we can reclaim Gift Aid - in fact I'm writing them a letter
responding to some queries right now!

The Board has an action to register with the Charity Commission as
soon as it's likely that our income will be more than £5,000 - which
will be as soon were announced as the winning bid for Wikimania 2010 (-
grin-), or, failing that, when our donations get to that level in I
guess 1-2 years' time?

I don't think there's anything we need the AGM to do in this regard,
although it will be mentioned in the Board's report and can be
discussed then if need be.

When we drafting our "Objects" clause in the constitution, we took
care to ensure that they were exclusively charitable so that our
application would be as smooth as possible.

Let me know if you need any more information on this,



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