On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 21:34 +0000, River Tarnell wrote:
> Brian McNeil:
> > Look at National Trust membership fees:
> > http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-trust/w-support/w-jointoday/w-jointoday-categories_costs.htm
> > In my opinion, a little steep - but I believe they've secured a rather
> > nice members benefits package.
> But the NT, as far as I know, do not have regular public fundraisers like WM
> does (meaning a large part of their income is from memberships), and since
> NT membership waives the entrance fee for NT properties (which is often
> quite high), it's not impossible for them to *lose* money on memberships.
> NT also has much higher unavoidable overhead; WM-UK could operate on almost
> nothing without going bankrupt.

And this is an argument for what, exactly?

You trimmed all the positive points I made to denigrate the proposal by
insinuating I'm advocating sky-high membership fees.

Ridiculously cheap or just free isn't practical. You can't comply with
the Data Protection Act and such without incurring a cost.

I would rather see a membership that understands there is medium to
long-term work to gain advantages to membership. Giving it away requires
no such commitment yet incurs voting rights in who are board members,
and the general direction of WMUK.

Do people want virtually free membership, and a toothless WMUK; or, a
membership they might think about a bit before taking, and a WMUK that's
got some clue where it would like to position itself?

Being organised has worked extremely well for WMDE. Efficient German
jokes aside, they certainly seemed to have a direction and get results
that got mainstream press coverage. That's not The Daily Mail having
"collect the coupons this week and we'll pay a year's WMUK membership
for you".

Brian McNeil <brian.mcn...@wikinewsie.org>

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