On 22 February 2010 12:54, Brian McNeil <brian.mcn...@wikinewsie.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-02-19 at 00:41 +0000, River Tarnell wrote:
>> Brian McNeil:
>> > And this is an argument for what, exactly?
>> No argument; I'm merely pointing out that a direct comparison between WM-UK
>> and the NT might be misleading, since their fundraising methods and goals
>> are quite different.
> There seems to be little to no 'goals' to WMUK fundraising at the
> moment. Well, at least beyond getting the organisation stable and
> passing funds on the the WMF itself.

True. We had virtually no information prior to the recent fundraiser
on which to base any goals. We'll have proper targets in future.

>> > You trimmed all the positive points I made to denigrate the proposal by
>> > insinuating I'm advocating sky-high membership fees.
> I was suggesting where we might seek to get members' benefits - and make
> it worth paying a slightly more respectable amount. To have the money to
> do so you can't set membership below the price of two pints of beer.

Member benefits is something worth discussing. There is only a link
between member benefits and membership fees if the benefits cost money
(which is far from certain) and we aren't willing to spend money from
donations on the benefits (which is a discussion we would need to
have). There are lots of benefits we could get for members without
spending significant money and, if we are willing to spend money from
donations on benefits, then the revenue from membership fees becomes

>> PS: "Assume good faith" might be a little trite, but it's not a bad idea.
> I've always regarded that as Wikipedia-specific; where you can debate
> into old age over the content of the project.

I disagree. It's a good general rule, particularly online where it is
easy to misunderstand people due to the lack of visual and auditory

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