On 2 July 2011 10:24, Michael Peel <em...@mikepeel.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to figure out where the best place to do the online organisation of
> wikimeets is. I can think of four different places, each with pros and cons,
> which I'd appreciate others' views on.


> 3) Wikimedia UK wiki
> Pros: Encourages involvement in different types of activities happening in
> the UK. Wikimeets would be listed amongst other UK-events more easily.
> Cons: Makes it more difficult to find out about other wikimeets. May make
> it harder for UK people to find wikimeets in other countries when abroad. May
> make it seem like WMUK 'owns' the wikimeets, which may discourage
> people to organise them.

You missed out that it will only be seen by people that already know
that the wikimeets exist, or that Wikimedia UK does. We very
frequently get new people at the London meetups who had no idea that
the meetups existed, and certainly no idea that WMUK (or any chapters)
do. I think it would be a mistake to ghettoise the meetups into a
non-community wiki. however much we happen to love WMUK.

> I'm leaning towards using the WMUK wiki for organising the Manchester
> wikimeets (and in a bit of a different format from the standard - keeping
> a single wiki page rather than creating a new one each time), but I'm less
> sure about how this would be received. Input/comments would be very
> welcome.

I think meta is a good place (but then, I did move the London ones
there after a complaint from a non-enwiki-er, so I'm biased ;-)). I
also think the real value now we have SUL is not in the home but in
the advertising for them.

James D. Forrester
jdforres...@wikimedia.org | jdforres...@gmail.com
[[Wikipedia:User:Jdforrester|James F.]]

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