On 03/08/12 17:10, Michael Peel wrote:
On 3 Aug 2012, at 09:06, Gordon Joly wrote:

On 03/08/12 15:46, Michael Peel wrote:
'We' the editing community (all >1000 that !voted online) felt SOPA/PIPA was 
relevant, and blacked out the site. 'We' the charity communicated the decision and 
views of the community to the media. It's very much this communication role that 
we the charity can easily play here.

But will the public always be clear about the distinction between "EN Wikipedia" and 
"Wikimedia UK"?

Are they now?
Maybe we should start regularly pointing them towards this illustration to make 
it all clear:


Alles klars? Vraiment? ??????? <http://mymemory.translated.net/en/Greek/English/%CF%83%CF%85%CE%BC%CF%86%CF%89%CE%BD%CF%8E>?

Just how do Wikimedia UK reach the public? They may be Radio 4 listeners, Scottish Herald readers, Morning Star readers, Sun readers, people who may only be looking at ITV News?


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