On 3 August 2012 19:38, Gordon Joly <gordon.j...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Just how do Wikimedia UK reach the public? They may be Radio 4 listeners,
> Scottish Herald readers, Morning Star readers, Sun readers, people who may
> only be looking at ITV News?

In the past 7 years of doing press I have *never* been able to get the
internal structure of the Wikimedia movement across to the press. Not
ever. They really just don't care. The projects, the languages, the
chapters - it's all "Wikipedia" to them. I stopped arguing long ago
and only stress the point when it's particularly relevant.

In general, by the way, I highly recommend ignoring the press except
as and when it suits our purposes. Although, as a top 10 site we are
relevant news material, and as a group of charities supported by
public donation we owe it to the public to say who we are and what
we're about, nevertheless the whims of the press and of the news cycle
are not necessarily anything we should actually concern ourselves over
as we fulfill our various missions.

- d.

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