On 3 August 2012 14:06, Tom Morris <t...@tommorris.org> wrote:

>> http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/draft-communications-bill/news/call-for-evidence/

> I did put together a list of Wikimedia-specific concerns with the
> draft bill a while back on the list.
> But everyone pooh-poohed it and told me I'm crazy and paranoid. Oh well.

Is this the one where I said "nice one, please write up and submit"?

> Also, despite what Andreas says, it's not about partisanship, the bill
> is drafted atrociously and extremely vaguely. Even if you agree with
> what the government is trying to do, the bill is terribly written and
> could lead to absolute absurd and ridiculous conclusions. Seriously,
> read the draft bill. If you've used the Internet for more than half an
> hour, you'll see why it's insane.

Andreas is mainlining Wikipediocracy memes, which are more or less
weird dystopic fanfiction from an alternate universe featuring some
real names. See recent tl;dr on wikimedia-l, and also keep in mind his
most recent service to WMUK.

- d.

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