On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Thibaut Horel <thibaut.ho...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 3. The current system with 4 quality levels to represent the proofreading
> state of a page is not sufficient to represent the diversity of
> proofreading scenarios. Indeed, there is a distinction to make between the
> *correctness* of the text and its *formatting*. In the case of a scanned
> edition which has been OCRed, we do need several passes before reaching a
> satisfying level of confidence about the correctness of the text as well as
> a suitable formatting (proper use of the wikicode, etc.). For digital-born
> documents however, as billinghurst said, we can automatically assume that
> the extracted text is correct, but that still doesn't mean that the text is
> correctly formatted and ready to be transcluded in the main namespace.
> Maybe we should add another level meaning "text is correct, still needs
> formatting"? Ideally, we should have to scales of quality levels: one
> dealing with the correctness of the text, and one dealing with its
> formatting. This would probably be too heavy and confusing though...

I couldn't agree more.
I think this could be an opportunity also to make task *smaller* and
(in the direction of "microtask", which are contributions in crowdsourcing
projects which are small, definite and simple. eg GalaxyZoo, reCAPTCHA).

We could define some tasks as
* corrected the page
* proofread the text
* formatted the page
* validated the formatting
* OPTIONAL added optional templates/links/annotations

We could even have qualifiers (all/part of the page, ...)

Is this idea crazy, or somewhat doable?

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