On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Daniel Kinzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> > The usage of an unique upload ID ensures at their end that the
> progressbar
> > iframe always gets the right data. It refreshes using AJAX technology:
> > http://pastebin.com/f56b8c8f4
> > I'll take a look if this might be applicable to put into MW.
> Yes, that seems similar to the original proposal: track the status of the
> opload
> on the server side, store the status in some cross-request cache (like
> APC), and
> query it using JavaSCript (as an iframe or by injecting html doesn't really
> matter). That's a *little* lighter on the client, but still quite a fugly
> hack,
> ant not very reliable, IMHO.

Does a PHP script using upload stuff get run if the file upload is complete,
or will it start while still uploading?
If not, can't you figure out the temporary name of the upload on the server
and then run ls -lh on it?

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