Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Roan Kattouw <> wrote:
>> Note that namespaces with an ID of 100 or higher are specific to enwiki
>> and may have different names or not be used at all on other wikis. To
>> get an accurate list for another wiki, ask that wiki's api.php .
> The same is pretty much true for all namespaces.  There's no guarantee
> that any namespaces other than main will have the same names on other
> wikis.  To ensure that, you need to use the canonical name if one
> exists (it's helpfully provided in the API result . . . actually, what
> does it mean that "Portal" and "Portal talk" are canonical? shouldn't
> there be no canonical attribute if the namespace is custom?).

Agree. Portal and Portal talk could still be acceptable, since the
namespace ids 100-101 are more or less reserved for portals across the
What is scaryier is seeing <ns id="102" canonical="Cookbook"> on
enwikibooks whereas the same ns 102 mean Wikiproject on some pedias.

Since the API provides namespacealiases linked to the id, not to the
"informal canonical name" I see no reason to keep the canonical
parameter on the extra ns.

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