On 13/08/2009, at 10:16 AM, Dmitriy Sintsov wrote:
> I wish MediaWiki had farm-friendly LocalSettings.php (loading  
> different
> set of $wg* variables according to host name), which would not require
> symlinks (not available in Windows). I do use Linux for hosting, but
> sometimes I have to debug in Windows. SO I make my own
> LocalSettings.php. Also, I think it would be great if these global
> static variables would be placed into static classess according to  
> their
> purposes (usually there are "the sets" of variables which are  
> designated
> to some aspect of wiki functioning).

There's plenty of stuff for this — it's what we use on Wikimedia.

Essentially, you can construct the database name by looking at the  
request path and host and so on ($_REQUEST array), and then use the  
SiteConfiguration object.

Andrew Garrett

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