In the edit box, when I type [[John Doe]], I want some chance to 
verify that I'm linking to the right article, whether it is a 
disambiguation page, or by seeing the first sentence from that 
article.  I know I can "preview" my edit and click that link to 
see the page (or ctrl-click to make it appear in a new tab), but 
that method just seems sooo 2002.

Is there some tool, button or gadget that does this trick? Perhaps 
some greasemonkey script?

What it would do: From where the cursor stands in the edit box, 
search backwards for a "[[" and then forwards to the following "|" 
or "]]" which ever comes first (this covers the case that the 
cursor is inside the link brackets). Look up that article, show 
the first paragraph or 150 characters in a pop-up. If I click a 
link in the pop-up (a top link, or a disambig page), replace the 
link in the edit box so it points to that article.

  Lars Aronsson (
  Aronsson Datateknik -

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