On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Florence Devouard <anthe...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I was contacted by someone working (for) (at) Webzzle, who want to meet
> me (for unknown reasons as of today).
> I googled Webzzle to better identify who the guy is and what he is
> likely to talk to me about. And what I found let me quite dubious.
> Please have a look here: http://www.webzzle.com/explorer/home.kol
> There is a presentation of the concept here:
> http://www.webzzle.com/intl/en/help.html
> I kind of now suspect what the meeting will be about and I think I'll
> settle down for a phone meeting rather than an expensive and time
> consuming face to face meeting in Paris :)
> But I'd like to have your opinion about this website and the use it
> makes of Wikipedia.
> I am asking here in particular because there are obvious technical
> implications. But I am sure some of you could reflect on the less
> technical implications ;)
> thanks
> ant
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This snippet from their "Why Use Webzzle" page leaves me feeling all
warm and fuzzy...

"For Wikipedia editors: Because you add more value to your Wikipedia
content and because you can overcome the Wikipedia external links policy,"


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