On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 2:36 AM, stevertigo <stv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, cheezy
> product with a cheezy name that nobody will want to use, wants a
> former Wikimedia board member to juice its personell roster...
> That's what it looks like to me, and I just read your email four minutes ago.

Well they went ahead and started adding[1] links[2] to 'demo' how much
it would help Wikipedia. Just seems like search engine results to me.
They've petitioned feedback on the Village Pump[3], which thankfully,
or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, happened before they
got the banstick[4] for violating existing policy. And as I mentioned
on VPP, it just seems like a solution in search of a problem.

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4 - 

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