Thomas Dalton wrote:
> On 30 January 2010 14:42, Chad <> wrote:
>> Whoops, haven't had any caffeine yet this morning, left the two links
>> off here. They're:
>> [1]
> Interestingly, the revision summary for that revision gives a link to
> general browser stats, rather than Wikimedia browser stats, which are
> obviously the relevant ones (although we have such high reach that
> there isn't a large difference). We have stats from Nov 2009
> ( -
> were those generated by a script that could be run again? Getting some
> trends could help us work out when to ditch IE6. The recent
> Google/China/IE story has received lots of coverage, including the
> authorities in France and Germany advising people to ditch IE
> entirely, so IE6 usage has probably shown a noticeable dip.
I read a note before that someone caught Microsoft's Bing making a
number of requests to their site with a UA that makes it look like ie6
and inflates stats.

Are the stats setup to differentiate between real ie6 users and bing

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) []

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