On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Roan Kattouw <roan.katt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Also note that you wouldn't technically be parsing, just preprocessing
> on the home wiki, which is certain to be less expensive (how much less
> I don't know)

This is a good point.

> and that you'd be doing this on some wiki anyway, so
> only the overhead involved in HTTP, the API and initializing the
> parser is relevant; the actual cost of the operation is not, because
> you're doing it someplace either way (of course this only applies
> intra-WMF, not to external clients).

External clients are what I'm worried about.  It's a nonissue for
intra-Wikimedia use, but if external clients start using a lot of CPU
by using Wikimedia servers for parsing, I expect them to get shut
down, and no one wants that.

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Marco Schuster
<ma...@harddisk.is-a-geek.org> wrote:
> Why not mix it? Take other templates etc. from the source wiki and set magic
> stuff like time / contentlang to target wiki values.

That's what I suggested, basically.  Use templates from the foreign
wiki, but do the actual parsing locally, so you get local values for
magic words and so on.

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