
I was involved in an open source project that was usurped by one of the main 
developers for the sole reason of making money, and that project continues now 
to take advantage of the community to increase the profit of that developer.  I 
never would have thought such a thing was possible until I saw that happen.  If 
that developer wasn't acting greedy, there would now be open source hardware 
for radio transceivers of all types, but instead there is only open source 
software for radio of all types.  I find it a shame, and when I was working on 
that project I could *feel* it being usurped!  I unfortunately may be paranoid 
as I feel the same thing here with the wikimedia foundation usurping 
wikipedia.  If you don't believe me, just consider that it is a very gradual 
process, like getting people used to not being able to download image dumps 
anymore, and ignoring ALL requests to restore this functionality.  Also failing 
to provide full history backups of the flagship wiki.  These two facts allow 
the wikimedia foundation to maintain the control of intellectual property that 
wasn't created by the people.  If you want the wikimedia foundation to respect 
you as volunteers, you will have to DEMAND respect by making sure that they 
never usurp the project.  I think the best way to do this is to make sure we 
can all download up to date full history with images wikipedia's so a fork at 
any time is possible.  Sure it may be paranoid, but trust me it is worth it to 
be paranoid regarding a project as important as wikipedia.  I have been in 
situations like this before, I wish I had acted before even if I was wrong!  I 
wouldn't even be speaking now except for reading the heart-felt words of 
volunteers in this thread that are unhappy with how the wikimedia foundation is 
running.  We need to organize to get wikimedia foundation to release images 
tarballs, they are only ignoring multiple requests to do so, so far.


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