Ryan Kaldari wrote:
> In case no one has mentioned this, changing the DOCTYPE has a pretty
> huge effect on how CSS gets rendered. Wikimedia's current DOCTYPE (XHTML
> transitional) maps to "almost standards mode" or "limited quirks mode"
> in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE8 and IE9. Changing to "<!DOCTYPE
> html>" will switch the rendering mode in all of those browsers to
> "standards mode". Testing and tweaking all the CSS in Mediawiki for this
> DOCTYPE change is a huge task. I'm already getting bug reports due to
> this issue, and I wasn't even aware we were making the change.

Can you elaborate on some of the harmful or potentially harmful effects that
you're talking about?

> How exactly was the conclusion reached that this change would only
> affect screen-scraping tools? The MediaWiki page on the HTML5 transition
> lists several other issues, none of which seem to have been adequately
> discussed or addressed.

I assume you're referring to <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/HTML5>? (I
didn't see a link in the previous e-mails.)


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