I went ahead and asked my EMPs if I could take a couple days to do an 
assessment of what CSS will be affected by the switch to HTML5. The 
request was granted and I should have some time to work on it next week. 
My apologies for being so aggressive on this issue, as it will probably 
turn out to be a minor problem in the end. If anyone is interested in 
helping with the assessment, please let me know.

Ryan Kaldari

On 3/29/11 11:06 AM, Ryan Kaldari wrote:
> Your analysis of the effects of the DOCTYPE change is not correct. As
> Entlinkt tried to point out at the HTML5 page on mediawiki.org, inline
> images, inline-blocks and inline-tables can also be affected (even
> outside tables). The search box is a good example of this. The DOCTYPE
> change affects the layout of the search box in both Firefox and Safari
> (and those are the only browsers I've check in so far), despite the fact
> that it doesn't use tables at all.
> The fact that you don't see the difference in the two screenshots is not
> reassuring. In one, the search icon is clearly misplaced as it is
> overlapping the border of the search input, in the other it is not. This
> is caused solely by the DOCTYPE difference.
> After doing some very limited tests this morning, it looks like the
> impact on the site will probably be small. This is probably due to the
> fact that we are already using standards-compliant HTML and CSS
> throughout the site. However, we do have some CSS hacks and non-standard
> workarounds to deal with bugs in browsers like IE6 (both in Vector and
> various extensions). These are probably the areas in which the DOCTYPE
> change will have an impact.
> I would suggest that we check the effects of the DOCTYPE change in all
> of the browsers we support (including the mobile ones). Hopefully, the
> effect is minimal and we can proceed in due course. Having the attitude
> that it's not even worth checking, however, is disrespectful to the
> people who spend their time refining our CSS so that our sites look
> great in things like IE6, IEMobile, and the Playstation 3 browser.
> Ryan Kaldari
> On 3/29/11 7:21 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 10:47 PM, Ryan Kaldari<rkald...@wikimedia.org>   
>> wrote:
>>> In case no one has mentioned this, changing the DOCTYPE has a pretty
>>> huge effect on how CSS gets rendered. Wikimedia's current DOCTYPE (XHTML
>>> transitional) maps to "almost standards mode" or "limited quirks mode"
>>> in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE8 and IE9. Changing to "<!DOCTYPE
>>> html>" will switch the rendering mode in all of those browsers to
>>> "standards mode". Testing and tweaking all the CSS in Mediawiki for this
>>> DOCTYPE change is a huge task.
>> Why?  I did research this issue before changing the default doctype,
>> and as far as I found out, there's exactly one difference between
>> standards and almost-standards: the way images in tables are handled.
>> This will only seriously disrupt table-based layout that relies
>> heavily on images, like where you have a single image that you've
>> broken up into pieces and you're lining them up again by putting them
>> in a table.  Other layouts will shift a bit, with some extra gaps
>> appearing, but it should be only a minor aesthetic issue that can be
>> fixed after the fact.
>>> I'm already getting bug reports due to
>>> this issue, and I wasn't even aware we were making the change.
>> "Already"?  You realize the default doctype in trunk has been strict
>> standards mode continuously since **July 2009**?
>> <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/53142>    That's
>> more than a year and a half.  In that whole time, nobody has told me
>> about *any* bug caused by the switch to strict standards mode.  Maybe
>> there are some I'm not aware of, but people usually CC me on bugs
>> related to the HTML5 doctype.
>> What bugs exactly were filed, and how are they so difficult to fix?
>>> The switch to<!DOCTYPE html>   should be reverted immediately. If we want
>>> to switch to this DOCTYPE, we need to plan and budget for the front-end
>>> development that will be necessary to support this change.
>> We can talk about this when you point out specific issues that were
>> caused by the change that are severe enough to justify a revert
>> despite the fact that apparently no one noticed them for over a year
>> and a half.
>>> How exactly was the conclusion reached that this change would only
>>> affect screen-scraping tools?
>> Because that's the only actual problem that's been reported with the
>> doctype change that anyone has told me about, when it's been enabled
>> on trunk since July 2009 and enabled on Wikimedia sites for several
>> hours on two separate occasions.  If you have other actual specific
>> problems that you'd like to point out, please do so.
>> (I'm not counting the fact that we were serving KHTMLFixes.css to
>> modern-day WebKit, which happened not to break in old WebKit versions
>> as long as we were in almost-standards mode instead of standards mode.
>>    This would have come up anyway, since WebKit changed their code so we
>> broke in either mode, and the correct fix was to delete
>> KHTMLFixes.css.)
>>> The MediaWiki page on the HTML5 transition
>>> lists several other issues, none of which seem to have been adequately
>>> discussed or addressed.
>> Such as?
>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 11:22 PM, K. Peachey<p858sn...@gmail.com>   wrote:
>>> In hindsite, probably changing it on trunk should of probably got a
>>> tad more discussion (although I havn't looked for the revision where
>>> this occured to see what the CR discussion/comments are like), but
>>> it's only trunk (where stuff is ment to break), where as changing it
>>> in a release should really be where the discussion starts.
>> I started a whole thread on it back in 2009 before I changed it:
>> http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2009-July/043865.html
>> There was loads of discussion, over sixty posts to the thread.  I also
>> made a point of asking Brion (then the lead developer) for approval
>> before switching it on.
>> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 12:52 AM, Ryan Kaldari<rkald...@wikimedia.org>   
>> wrote:
>>> So which rendering mode should I be vetting CSS for? Strict or limited
>>> quirks? Some of the CSS that I review is specifically tweaked for
>>> limited quirks since that's what the Wikimedia sites are running in.
>> Wikimedia should be switched to $wgHtml5 = true like trunk has been
>> for ages now, and then everyone should write for strict mode.  The
>> problem here is Wikimedia, not trunk.
>>> Honestly, I don't know all of the problems that this change will cause.
>>> I imagine it will just be lots of slight changes to how elements line
>>> up, i.e. things shifting by a few pixels in most cases. For example, this:
>>> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/mediawiki/wiki/File:Login-applied-82155.png
>>> instead of this:
>>> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/mediawiki/wiki/File:Login-simplesearch-84908.png
>> I don't know how those pictures are relevant, because one of them
>> appears to be a cropped version of the other.  But I've taken a quick
>> look at the markup around the search box and it doesn't use any
>> tables, so the expected changes should be none.  In fact, I'd expect
>> that the largest effect will be on wiki content, not the software
>> interface, because the software interface uses table layout sparingly
>> and images even more sparingly.  But if it causes problems, they'll
>> only be aesthetic warts, not serious issues, so they can be fixed
>> after the fact.
>>> I haven't thoroughly investigated the ramifications of switching our
>>> rendering mode, and apparently no one else has either. I'm just as
>>> anxious to start using HTML5 as everyone else, but I think we should
>>> have a better plan than "break stuff and revert if enough people
>>> complain". If we know that there are potential issues, shouldn't we have
>>> developers assigned to investigate those issues and report back before
>>> we start deploying things?
>> No.  Why?  If it really causes serious display problems that can't be
>> immediately fixed, we can always turn it off, but that's unlikely.
>> It's a waste of resources to preemptively find and fix minor aesthetic
>> issues when we don't even know whether they'll occur.  We're not
>> talking about a change that might break the site.
>>> Also, does anyone know if this will affect $wgUseTidy?
>> There have been no problems reported related to $wgUseTidy since July
>> 2009, so I'd hazard a guess that it will not.  I run with $wgUseTidy =
>> true on my localhost wiki, and I've tested every HTML5 feature I added
>> and they all work.  Raymond has pointed me to translatewiki.net's
>> config file, and they use $wgUseTidy and have reported no problems I
>> know of:
>> http://translatewiki.net/wiki/BetawikiSettings.php
>> I think it's fair to say that at this point, $wgHtml5 = true has a
>> strong presumption of working in every respect except breaking
>> well-formedness.  If anyone *knows* of any further problems, please
>> give evidence that they exist, but there are no grounds for suggesting
>> it be reverted on trunk or anything like that.
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