On 02/12/2013 08:14 AM, Maria Miteva wrote:
> On a brighter note, I heard that the LTS version 1.19 was the best thing
> that happened since sliced bread :)

This makes me very happy.

I'm going to start paying close attention to people who have problems
upgrading from 1.19 over the next couple of years so that when we hit
the next LTS (1.25) in 2015, we'll have fewer issues for the people
moving from 1.19 to 1.25.

I would like to ask your help with this, of course.  If you see
something that you think we should take note of and fix, let me know.

A big part of this is going to be those non-WMF extensions that people
like to use.  I'm not too worried about the popular SMW extensions --
the SMW folks have a good handle on the LTS -- but if you install an
extension with the expectation that it will be maintained for LTS
releases, you need to make sure that it is going to be supported.

I'd like to think that extensions in [[Category:Stable_extensions]] will
be maintained, but maybe that isn't right.  I certainly haven't tried
all of them against 1.19.

Developers can help out with this.  On Debian, for example, developers
can announce that they're orphaning a package and it needs a new
maintainer.  Ideally, a developer would find someone to maintain his own
extension, but if you see an orphaned extension or just don't feel like
maintaining one any more, please add {{Unmaintained extension}} to its
page on MediaWiki.org.

That said, I've created a category page on MediaWiki.org --
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Not_LTS_ready -- for extensions
are marked Stable but unmaintained.

(I still have to actually put pages in the category, but I'll do that
after dinner.)


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