On 12 February 2013 23:48, Mark A. Hershberger <m...@everybody.org> wrote:

> I'm going to start paying close attention to people who have problems
> upgrading from 1.19 over the next couple of years so that when we hit
> the next LTS (1.25) in 2015, we'll have fewer issues for the people
> moving from 1.19 to 1.25.

Waiting that long? That'll leave Ubuntu 14.04 with 1.19 unsupportable
for a year or so. It also strikes me as a long time given the pace of
MW development. (I suppose I'd be asking a lot to ask for overlapping
LTS times.)

The rest of your post is wonderful and heartwarming stuff for a
tarball user to hear :-)

- d.

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