On 27/10/13 03:43, Brad Jorsch (Anomie) wrote:
> I came across Gerrit change 79948[1] today, which makes "VectorBeta"
> use a pile of non-free fonts (with one free font thrown in at the end
> as a sop). Is this really the direction we want to go, considering
> that in many other areas we prefer to use free software whenever we
> can?

Yes, we should prefer to use free software. We should also strive to
ensure that our support for users on non-free platforms is optimal, as
long as that doesn't negatively impact on users of free platforms. So
I don't think it is a problem to specify non-free fonts in font lists.

The font-family lists in question seem to be:

@content-font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Nimbus Sans L",
"Arial", "Liberation Sans", sans-serif;
@content-heading-font-family: Georgia, "DejaVu Serif", serif;

Now, it seems to me that very few users will have both free and
non-free fonts installed. So the order is mostly irrelevant. It could
instead be:

@content-font-family: "Nimbus Sans L", "Liberation Sans", "Helvetica
Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
@content-heading-font-family: "DejaVu Serif", Georgia, serif;

And probably nobody would ever notice the difference. That seems like
a better choice to me, since it would make the FOSS advocates feel
more warm and fuzzy.

There is the separate issue that on my Linux laptop, Nimbus Sans L
looks worse than the font my browser will choose for sans-serif. That
is because I have customised Firefox to use the Ubuntu font for
sans-serif, which is very readable. I find all the Arial clones to be
too narrow for comfortable reading.

-- Tim Starling

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