On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Quim Gil <q...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Is your proposal different from
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developers/Maintainers ?

No, it builds on it.  The current wiki page isn't official, nor complete.
 I'm suggesting that we embrace it officially, and that we further add
additional hierarchical "modules" as needed to fill in the gap between the
big three and an individual extension owner.  In the process we might also
have to decide who owns, (for example), "Special Pages".  Should we recruit
someone, fold that into the maintainership of "mediawiki as a whole", or is
it not really a separate module.  The former option encourages more
granular maintainer ship, the middle option devolves into the current "big
3 architect" system in the limit case, and the latter option is a technical

Note that there are also quasi-technical solutions here: if I want to get a
patch reviewed for a particular SpecialPage, for instance, usually I will
do a git log on that piece of the source and assign the last three
committers to the file as reviewers.  One could imagine that something like
that might scale: the last three committers are the defacto owners of a
given component, if there aren't other owners given.  This would work well
with a more hierarchical system.  I might end up as the defacto owner of
the SpecialRedirect page, but changes could also be reviewed by other
owners up the chain: the owner of SpecialPages as a whole (no current
owner), ..., the owner(s) of mediawiki as a whole, the owners of
mediawiki-as-deployed-by-WMF, ..., the big three.

We haven't really thought much about the hierarchy and intermediate owners
here; I guess that's where my proposal differs most from the flat list at
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developers/Maintainers .

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