On Sat, 2013-11-09 at 10:22 -0400, MZMcBride wrote:
> I'll just reiterate what I said previously: it would be wonderful to do a
> full evaluation/audit of the current Bugzilla inputs and figure out which
> we can eliminate or make smarter (e.g., only display under certain
> conditions).

Just to explain the current situation:

*Custom* fields (in Wikimedia Bugzilla: "Web Browser" and "Mobile
Platform") can be configured to be only shown under certain conditions
(e.g. only for specific products/components), but Bugzilla still does
not allow disabling some *default* fields that I consider useless in
most cases for us ("Hardware" and "OS", upstream ticket:
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=763409 ).

> * https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Overthrow_Bugzilla

While some pieces of the criticism on that page are entirely valid, all
in all it feels rather non-constructive. 
Plus the topic "most acceptable issue tracking/version control/project
management tool" is so complex and has enough stakeholders that it
requires a well-structured process to neither discuss only the favorite
bits and pieces of individuals, nor end up in the biggest bikeshed ever.

Andre Klapper | Wikimedia Bugwrangler

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