
> Since a friend introduced me to Scrutinizer yesterday and the graph above
seems to be based on it,

SensioLabsInsight != ScrutinizerCI

I added mediawiki/core to their interface:
> https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/wikimedia/mediawiki/

Yay. I tried doing this a year ago or so, and back at that point the
analysis just aborted due to too many issues. Guess the limit was raised :)

That being said, is there any point in fixing all those "issues"? And if
> so how do we track them and make sure they are not reintroduced with new
> patchsets?

Going though the issue list and getting rid of all the warnings is probably
not a good use of your time. Going though and seeing if it points you to
something pressing might be worthwhile. What I personally find very
valuable is that you can get a list of classes sorted by complexity, or by
coupling, or by quality rating, to get an idea of what areas of the
codebase could use some love [0].

At Wikimedia Deutchland we use ScrutinizerCI for most of our PHP
components, and have it run for each commit merged into master. You can
then see the changes per commit [1], get weekly reports [2] and view the
overall trend [3].

[2] https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/wmde/WikibaseDataModel/reports/
[3] https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/wmde/WikibaseDataModel/statistics/


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
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