On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 7:27 PM, svetlana <svetl...@fastmail.com.au> wrote:
> On the second edit conflict, I read the message at the page top. It says:
> Someone else has changed this page since you started editing it. The upper 
> text area contains the page text as it currently exists. **Your changes are 
> shown in the lower text area.** You will have to merge your changes into the 
> existing text. Only the text in the upper text area will be saved when you 
> press "Save page".
> Emphasis added by me.  We all know that people fail to read though.  If we 
> can come up with a more colorful error message or a more intuitive edit 
> conflict page layout, I'm all ears.

Perhaps we could look at desktop 3-way diff utilities for inspiration?
 Something like (pray forgive the ASCII art...)


+-------------+  +-------------+
| (read only  |  | (read only  |
|  text area) |  |  text area) |
| (background |  | (background |
|  greenish)  |  |  yellowish) |
+-------------+  +-------------+

Please merge the two versions
into the text area below.
| (editable text area)         |
| (background white)           |
| (prefilled with the best     |
|  3-way merge we can manage)  |

I have to say I don't understand why the system does such a terrible
job -- 3-way merge is a Solved Problem over in the land of version
control systems for programmers.


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