<quote name="Rob Lanphier" date="2016-01-28" time="11:52:11 -0800">
> Generally speaking, the position WMF executive management has taken in the
> conversations that I've had is that WMF needs to do a better job listening
> to the community.  Saying that ArchCom has "no say" basically is taking a
> needlessly fatalistic stance of a mindless wage slave.  I know y'all well
> enough to know that everyone on this thread is intensely mission-driven,
> and "mindless" is about as far from a truthful description anyone could
> give.

I think the charitable interpretation is that it was/is unclear to some
(I'm mostly going off of my interpretation of some of the questions
asked during the planning phase of the DevSummit here (aka: hearsay)) if
the DevSummit was going to be a "place of decisions" or something else
(education, etc), and if it was to be a place of decisions then without
explicit buy-in from WMF management those decisions could be
less-than-timely implemented (if those who could do the implementation
were a contested "resource" with some other high priority request that
wasn't at the DevSummit).

Apologies for my long sentence with too many parentheticals.

> ArchCom strives to define what we should do, based on listening to the
> community and using our collective expertise to craft a vision based on
> what we learn.  What "WMF senior leadership" (pls define) does with that
> information is probably not in scope for this mailing list.

Except for when what I outlined above happens, aka something that has
general consensus within the "community" and even ArchCom doesn't get
any legs because those who could/should do it are tasked with other
things. In other words: it's not unreasonable to assume those people
won't spend their personal time doing that work.

However, this might be rat-holing on this one aspect around
"resourcing", so I'm willing to both be told I'm wrong and drop it.


| Greg Grossmeier            GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| identi.ca: @greg                A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |

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