On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 9:57 AM Brion Vibber <bvib...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> *nods* I think the root problem is that the phabricator task system does
> double duty as both an *issue reporting system* for users and a *task
> tracker* for devs.

IMO that kind of double duty is normal for all software development project
management systems (and having to track bugs in two separate systems was in
fact rather painful in the dark ages when we had Bugzilla + some
team-specific external task management system). Rather, the problem is that
it's a task management system used by many different groups (including
volunteers) with overlapping scopes. Prioritization decisions are specific
to a team (or an organization at best) while Phabricator task status and
priority are global settings. This problem comes up in non-volunteer
contexts as well, when a task is relevant to two teams and a high priority
for one but low / zero for the other.

So IMO the sanest approach is for all teams to come up with ways to mark
prioritization that are local to their Phabricator projects (which
typically means using a team workboard for prioritization and having some
kind of "we don't intend to work on this" column).

Setting tasks to stalled when no one is planning to work on them would be a
reasonable practice if we decide to consistently use the stalled status
that way, but today it's used as "blocked" instead.
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