I was wondering what type of network registration for student wireless
users various individuals are using out there.

I have looked at BlueSocket and Vernier (and the HP authentication box
which is really a Vernier box with an HP logo).  This looks very
interesting but very expensive on a deployment scale (for a really good
implementation and good bandwidth it appears you would need several

I have looked at 802.1x but both or campus and, more importantly our
students, are not really ready for the necessary supplicants.  802.1x
seems to be a logical next step for us but I am still stuck with some
hubs out there in my infrastructure and no RADIUS server as of yet.  Not
to mention, all the variations with client configurations and possible
needs to purchase 802.1x authentication clients.

For our setting (a small 4-year Liberal Arts institution with 3,000
students, hubs, and minimal Internet bandwidth) it seems that MAC-based
RADIUS authentication is the way to go for us for now (then maybe EAP
later).  But here is the problem:

---We just implemented an in-house developed Network Registration
process for our wired connection in our residence halls.  These
application seems to be the logical point to feed a RADIUS server with
MAC-addresses.  BUT, as I see it, we will have to have one VLAN/SSID for
registration (and that is all) and another VLAN/SSID for network access
that is MAC authenticated.  This is doable but difficult for our
clients/students.  Is there anyway to automate this process?

(Just a quick note:  Our students are having problems with the wired
network registration as it is.  We are pretty much a "Cisco shop",
although we are branching out.)

Suggestions?  Comments?


Michael Martin
University of Montevallo

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