It might be worth looking into whether you really need to perform
network registration.  The "free love" model is working on our 200+ node
wireless network.

        "Free Love" and Secured Services

 (Just another take on network registration)

On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 05:10:40PM -0600, Martin Jr., D. Michael wrote:
> I was wondering what type of network registration for student wireless
> users various individuals are using out there.
> I have looked at BlueSocket and Vernier (and the HP authentication box
> which is really a Vernier box with an HP logo).  This looks very
> interesting but very expensive on a deployment scale (for a really good
> implementation and good bandwidth it appears you would need several
> boxes).
> I have looked at 802.1x but both or campus and, more importantly our
> students, are not really ready for the necessary supplicants.  802.1x
> seems to be a logical next step for us but I am still stuck with some
> hubs out there in my infrastructure and no RADIUS server as of yet.  Not
> to mention, all the variations with client configurations and possible
> needs to purchase 802.1x authentication clients.
> For our setting (a small 4-year Liberal Arts institution with 3,000
> students, hubs, and minimal Internet bandwidth) it seems that MAC-based
> RADIUS authentication is the way to go for us for now (then maybe EAP
> later).  But here is the problem:
> ---We just implemented an in-house developed Network Registration
> process for our wired connection in our residence halls.  These
> application seems to be the logical point to feed a RADIUS server with
> MAC-addresses.  BUT, as I see it, we will have to have one VLAN/SSID for
> registration (and that is all) and another VLAN/SSID for network access
> that is MAC authenticated.  This is doable but difficult for our
> clients/students.  Is there anyway to automate this process?
> (Just a quick note:  Our students are having problems with the wired
> network registration as it is.  We are pretty much a "Cisco shop",
> although we are branching out.)
> Suggestions?  Comments?
> Thanks,
> Michael Martin
> University of Montevallo

Dan Medina

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