On Mar 14, 2007, at 2:39 PM, Philippe Hanset wrote:

-Destruction/disappearance of APs

We have one dorm that is 100% covered by 85 Proxim AP-4000s. They were installed above the ceiling in all locations because the construction manager would not allow them to be exposed for aesthetic reasons. I felt that this would compromise the actual function, but since they are so densely placed it seems to be OK. None have disappeared for this reason. I will say though, while I knock on wood, that we have installed APs within relatively easy reach in unlocked classroom spaces and have not had any issue with theft.

-Interferences by cordeless phones


-Interference from rogue APs (innocent or voluntary)

There are a total of 2 rogue APs identified by Airwave in this dorm of 900 beds. No interference that I can see.

-Do you do use vendors that provide a Wi-Fi defense
 (Airtight, Airmagnet, Built-in Meru disassociation)

Maybe someday, but not yet.

-If you have a wired port for every student, is wireless
 becoming a replacement or is it a complement

We do provide wired for every bed. However, the desire to be wireless is growing.

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