On Jun 14, 2007, at 1:34 PM, Kevin Whitney wrote:

Any thoughts or advice on implementing/selecting a wireless system for
use in a High School environment ?

Hi Kevin,

In talking to IT staff from K-12's at our (WiscNet's) last conference,
one interesting thing I found was that technology has to work
"on the first try".  For example, a demo or document sharing done
via wireless when it's not working or too slow can severely interrupt
a lesson plan, and most teachers will only tolerate their lesson plans
being burnt once or twice.

The point that was hammered over and over was professionaly done design
(usually outsourced for K-12's) site surveys done before and after
installation.  A large part of that design process, as others
have mentioned is planning upfront for user density.  A few classrooms
back to back covered by only a few AP's may not work under load.

For pros & cons on central controller vs "fat" AP's, you should hands
down go with a central controller unless you are a programmer willing to
write tools to monitor and automate tasks and your labor doesn't figure
into the real "cost" of the wireless install.  You will still probably
want to use a controller later anyway, as that's the only place where
new feature development is really occurring.

University of Wisconsin & WiscNet

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