We just selected Foundry wireless (AKA Rebranded Meru) in part because
they "do it different".  We are a Foundry shop and have found that
Foundry makes excellent decisions for their products so their choice to
work with Meru for their wireless solution adds to our confidence that
Meru is an excellent product.  We have done an in house demo and the
first permanent APs are going in place in the next weeks.


For what it's worth: we are piloting our first "wireless only" (i.e. no
wired data connections) residence hall this fall using the Meru/Foundry
gear.  We are that confident.



Thank you,

Gregory R. Scholz

Director of Telecommunications

Information Technology Group

Keene State College



--Lead, follow, or get out of the way. 

(author unknown)



From: Jamie Savage [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 10:50 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Cisco vs. Meru article


   The attached article was in the May 28th issue of Network Computing.
Regarding Meru vs. Cisco and the possibility of interference with
co-located APs.   I'd be interested in any commentary.  We're currently
a Cisco shop (autonomous APs) and realize we're heading for a forklift
wireless change in the near future (most of our fat APs can't be
converted to thin).  Even if Meru violates the 802.11 standard (as
claimed by Cisco), as we control the airspace on campus, I guess we
don't care if we cause interference issues with devices (ie..rogues)
that shouldn't be there in the first place. 

...........comments anyone?...........thx...............J 

James Savage                                   York University

Senior Communications Tech.       108 Steacie Building
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            4700 Keele Street
ph: 416-736-2100 ext. 22605            Toronto, Ontario
fax: 416-736-5701                                M3J 1P3, CANADA 

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