My only concern with the controller in the cloud approach.

What happens if you decide not to pay maintenance.

Do all your AP's turn into paper weights?  They keep running, just with the
last config that was loaded?

(Times get tough, sometimes you have to cut corners to keep the ship
floating. I'm not advocating this approach, just throwing it out there,
because not everyone has the budget they want, or need)

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Rich Fulton <> wrote:

> It should also be noted that not all "controller in the cloud"
> solutions are the same.  The key difference is the control plane.
> While the data plane is distributed and the management plane is
> centralized the control plane will be handled differently depending on
> the vendor.
> If the control plane is cloud based then the APs are dependent on the
> WAN link and cloud availability in order to maintain dynamic
> intelligence (and all of the features that are tied to the control
> plane - roaming, RF mgmt, etc..).  If the control plane is also
> distributed then the APs will maintain their "intelligence" when they
> cannot talk to the cloud.
> Make sure the vendor explains all of the features which are tied to
> the control plane before deployment.
>  /rf

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