On Apr 13, 2010, at 08:07, gwill...@uccs.edu wrote:
> As for Meraki, the concept works in some cases, and I'm not sure what
> the educational costs are, but the cost of their APs as advertised and
> enterprise controller seems almost the same as Aruba.

I have to tout Meraki a little here, especially for environments that are 
dynamic or open to experimentation. The online, hosted controller (can't bring 
myself to say "cloud controller") makes making serious network changes -- say, 
special event networks segregated from your normal wireless, reassigning VLANs, 
things that I would normally avoid -- brain-dead simple. They've also been 
extremely open to new feature suggestions, and there's zero effort to trying 
them out safely.

// Miles Davis - mi...@cs.stanford.edu - http://www.cs.stanford.edu/~miles
// Computer Science Department - Computer Facilities
// Stanford University

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