We have split non 802.1x devices into two categories. User devices like 
kindle's, and non-user/shared/infrastructure devices.

We do not provide wireless network for user devices due to a combination 
security concerns and/or too much management required  with solutions like 
hotspots, open networks, self registering etc. We have not seen a huge number 
of requests for this, so there's been no real need or push for us to develop a 
solution in this area.

For the rest we do provide a network. These devices might be building 
monitoring tools (temperature etc), shared devices like PC's on mobile trolleys 
that get wheeled around and used by anyone. We provide a WPA2-PSK, don't 
broadcast, only IT staff can enter the PSK and the device  also needs to be 
registered. There is only a handful of these... about 5. It may not be the most 
scalable solution but it certainly works for what our needs are at this stage. 
The mobile trolleys were a trial, we'd probably develop something around 
creating accounts in the dot1x space if that becomes common.




Jason Cook

Technology Services

The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005

Ph    : +61 8 8313 4800

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Wednesday, 5 June 2013 5:07 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Non-802.1x devices on wireless...

I seem to remember seeing some discussion a while ago about non 802.1x capable 
devices on wireless.  We're a Cisco wireless shop, and currently run 2, about 
to be 3 (with the addition of eduroam) SSID's.  Is anyone running a specific 
SSID for these non-802.1x capable devices?  Perhaps using WEP and MAC address 
authentication?  Feel free to contact me off list... I'm just trying to get 
some examples of "best practice" (or at least implemented practices) from other 


               Danny Eaton

               Snr. Network Architect

               Networking, Telecommunications, & Operations

               Rice University, IT

               Mudd Bldg, RM #205

               Jones College Associate

               Staff Advisory Committee

               Employee Activities Subcommittee Chair

               Office - 713-348-5233

               Cellular - 832-247-7496


               Soli Deo Gloria

               Matt 18:4-6

G.K. Chesterton, "Christianity has not been tried and found wanting.  It's been 
found hard and left untried."

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