I've lost track of part of this discussion. Can someone roughly state what
is being called "onboarding" in this thread?

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Peter P Morrissey <ppmor...@syr.edu>

>   “Don't assume I'm counter to what we've traditionally been doing in
> EDU, but I'm constantly reevaluating if some of these "best practices" have
> outlived their usefulness.”
> I think that is a very healthy approach. We shouldn’t do things just
> because we’ve always done them a certain way or because we have some vague
> sense that we have to because it is somehow more secure. We stopped doing
> NAC a few years ago for this reason. The vendor we were using caused way to
> many issues for our students, extra expenses and labor us supporting them.
> Given that OS’s tend to have auto updates and firewalls turned on by
> default now, the gain we got from enforcing it for those who did not was
> not measurable. Not to mention we are essentially an ISP for the students.
> Do ISP’s ever require this? Our students don’t know what it is like to not
> have a computer and they seemed to survive just fine before they got here,
> so do we need to enforce behaviors that weren’t enforced at home? So far no
> one has been able to demonstrate any measurable advantage to do the posture
> checking component of NAC. I have a much longer, involved justification on
> that that I will spare you reading right now.
> We get authentication and thus historical retribution from 802.1x by
> default, which is also considered NAC by some definitions. This is handy.
> We also get encryption, although I’m with you on questioning that as well.
> Nowadays, it is hard to come up with an application that needs to be
> secured that doesn’t already add its own encryption. So why do we need
> encryption at layer 2? I seriously could be missing something on this, and
> would welcome further input. And if you really want to go wild here, do we
> even need it for the admin side? Just asking. Don’t judge me. J
> Pete Morrissey
> *From:* The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv [mailto:
> *Sent:* Friday, January 23, 2015 2:07 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Trying to get the Wi-Fi Alliance's Attention
> Our environments have _some_ data security concerns like a hospital, but
> when you really drill down and look at what those are, they are more
> exception then rule. In cases were we need to provide a greater level of
> security, we typically have full control (and ownership) of the
> device. Show me in HIPPA where it's a requirement that a student be
> provided an encrypted WiFi connection to their own device when accessing
> the medical records your campus holds? There isn't such a requirement, and
> they could access them from starbucks' open wifi if they wished.
> As for on-boarding these "internet of things" devices, I always ask the
> same question... why? What are we gaining by the on-board process? Are our
> wlans so poorly designed that an unpatched system with no anti-virus poses
> a greater threat then if it was reaching services from outside our network?
> Don't assume I'm counter to what we've traditionally been doing in EDU,
> but I'm constantly reevaluating if some of these "best practices" have
> outlived their usefulness.
> Jeff
> >>> On Friday, January 23, 2015 at 10:36 AM, in message <
> 70a4ca525a32ff42bbb8d79eec55b3bb41e19...@wmxd04p.sscad.salemstate.edu>,
> Brian Helman <bhel...@salemstate.edu> wrote:
> But our environments are unique in the sense that we have many of the same
> data security concerns that a hospital has, but unlike their tenants, ours
> are 1) largely irresponsible children, 2) using systems we have to maintain
> (I’ve never seen a hospital help a patient fix a laptop) and 3) live on
> site for long periods of time.   Your points regarding media/game systems
> are well taken and appreciated by everyone on here who has resident
> students though.  I say this over and over .. it’s really not the “rule”
> that is the problem, it’s the exceptions.  And those “Internet of things”
> devices (far beyond “BYOD”) are becoming more and more prevalent everywhere
> on campus… and very few of them support “enterprise” wireless
> configurations.
> As far as the onboarding headaches, I’m still surprised at how difficult
> this is.  The closest I’ve seen to a good process is from a (very
> expensive) cloud **cough** provider.  But is that expense warranted?  Or
> better asked, WHY do we STILL NEED that expense when we’re now 4-5
> generations (depending on how you count 11n) into mainstream wireless?
> My fear is that we are going to start seeing proprietary ‘standards’ for
> on-boarding similar to how Ethernet drivers worked 20 years ago or NAC-type
> interfaces built in to some supplicant-like application that each wifi
> vendor packages with their equipment (ie an enterprise version of WPS).
> -Brian
> *From:* The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv [
> <WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU>] *On Behalf Of *Jeffrey Sessler
> *Sent:* Friday, January 23, 2015 1:20 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Trying to get the Wi-Fi Alliance's Attention
> I think you could accomplish the same consumer friendly setup in
> classrooms, labs, etc. and still provide meet your goals including
> regulatory compliance. I see this sort of hybrid approach today in hospital
> settings, so I'm not sure why it can't be accomplished in EDU. The new
> Kaiser hospital in my area has free WiFi everywhere, secure wifi for all
> their mobile computer stations (one per room), EKGs, pumps, etc. mesh-based
> location solution with tags on everything, and cellular distribution.
> I would also question setting highest performance as a goal. What you want
> is a solution that provides the user what they need at the moment they need
> it. I didn't deploy 802.11n or 802.11ac so that I could win unrealistic max
> performance claims. I deployed those technologies to support more efficient
> access to a finite amount of spectrum. And if performance is a goal, it's
> going to be more difficult to attain if the access to the service is
> complex enough to make the typical user reach for their MiFi device.
> Jeff
> >>> On Friday, January 23, 2015 at 9:44 AM, in message <
> 7c623f076ece4354b6039ec505e9c...@ex13-mbx-10.ad.syr.edu>, Lee H Badman <
> lhbad...@syr.edu> wrote:
> No easy answer. The dorms could be set up “consumer style” with a
> different operational profile, SSID, etc and don’t HAVE to be run like the
> rest of campus.
> But in classrooms, labs and meeting rooms there is now way to deliver
> highest performance, regulatory compliance, and accommodation of crap
> devices all at the same time without hyper complexity, and then at the
> physics level you still have problems.
> Even if every issue can’t be fixed in one fell swoop, there are a number
> of easy tweaks that device makers could provide if they pulled their heads
> out of 2004.
> Lee Badman
> Wireless/Network Architect
> ITS, Syracuse University
> 315.443.3003
> (Blog: http://wirednot.wordpress.com)
> *From:* The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv [
> <WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU>] *On Behalf Of *Jeffrey Sessler
> *Sent:* Friday, January 23, 2015 12:39 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Trying to get the Wi-Fi Alliance's Attention
> I don't know Lee, in my mind is it the device maker's requirements to work
> in both consumer and enterprise environment, or does the enterprise wlan
> market need to figure out how to look more like a consumer wlan? Is this a
> problem EDU's have created because of some desire to provide a service
> that's more complex or invasive to use then it has to be? Is there really a
> need to on-board devices and have them associate using WPA2 Ent, or could
> we support the bulk of our users (especially students) using something more
> consumer friendly?
> Take residential (dorm) wifi as an example. If you had a model with an
> open or PSK-emulated wireless network coupled with location-based service
> filtering, the user gets on with every device out there, and they can see
> their chromecast, appletv, etc. and any others on that AP or 1 adjacent.
> Pretty much gives you the consumer feel.
> Jeff
> >>> On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 11:47 AM, in message <
> 432756068f5346b59e108b825efca...@ex13-mbx-10.ad.syr.edu>, Lee H Badman <
> lhbad...@syr.edu> wrote:
> I know self-promotion is in poor taste, but wanted to share this
> http://www.networkcomputing.com/wireless-infrastructure/the-case-for-wlan-interoperability/a/d-id/1318718?
> ​
> and encourage anyone of like (or opposing) mind to add comments. I'm told
> that the Alliance is at least reading along, FWIW.
> -Lee
> *Lee H. Badman*
> Network Architect/Wireless TME
> ITS, Syracuse University
> 315.443.3003
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