Since we moved from old design (AP's down the hall) to new design (AP's in the 
rooms) I have seen patient rooms with medical tape and bandages covering up the 
LED in patient rooms.  It seems when you are sick and laying in a hospital bed 
and have trouble sleeping the single LED shining in your eyes are an issue.  I 
get it and understand it.

I am testing this in my office for now and plan to review with support staff 
but I will as a policy disable all LED's on AP's.  In the end it may not really 
be that useful considering they are all managed on the backend for up/down 
status.  If an AP is having issues connecting with the controller it flashes so 
when they see an LED they know there is a problem.

Definitely a patient satisfaction improvement.

John Cosgrove
Penn State Health/ Penn State College of Medicine

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 9:57 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Disabling LEDs on APs

First-world problems... Curious if others have gone down this road in Residence 
Halls. We're not really being asked to, but are considering wholesale disabling 
LEDs on our Cisco APs in the dorms as a quality of life step. Has this caused 
anyone any pain when it comes to not being able to see the colors on the AP as 
status indication? Have you actually had requests to disable the LEDs? Overall 
experience with accommodating or denying the request?


Lee Badman

Lee Badman | Network Architect (CWDP, CWNA, CWSP, Mobility+)
Information Technology Services
206 Machinery Hall
120 Smith Drive
Syracuse, New York 13244
t 315.443.3003   f 315.443.4325   e<> w

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