Primus/Lingo is calling every WISP in the country trying to sign them up for a very CommPartners like deal. All of these VoIP providers are using the same shitty model that will be worthless in 2 years time. There is no money to be made in VoIP short-term unless you operate your own equipment. Long-term, there is no money to be made in VoIP at all. VoIP will soon be a loss leader; plan for it or do get into the VoIP business.

BTW, Primus makes all their money on international termination. The domestic stuff is losing money hand over fist.


John Scrivner wrote:

Primus tells me they are more than a VOIP company and that they do make money. They impressed me in my dealings with them. Can you share more about your information about Primus? I have a big interest in knowing anything I can about them right now.

Peter R. wrote:

You haven't seen it yet, because Lingo is not profitable yet.
Primus owns Lingo and Primus is basically an International VOIP company.

Like so many VOIP Providers, they are still trying to figure out how to make a profit.

Delta3 (which is the backend for VZ's VoiceWing) made $9.1M in revenue in 4Q05 and just $22k in income.

Vonage has a customer acquisition cost that is 20 times their MRC.



Jonathan Schmidt wrote:

I've been personally delighted with two years of Lingo giving me
unlimited USA/Canada/EUROPE calling on 7 lines each for $19.95/month
and an unusually rich set of features (like e-mailing me compressed WAV
files of all incoming voicemails, etc.).
Now, that's retail w/box and support. I've taken the box on trips and routed it through my laptop Ethernet while the laptop is on a V.32 dialup and it works but sounds kind of like a cell
phone but having my local number with me in Europe and having unlimited
free calls throughout Europe from Europe or Eastern Europe for ZERO
additional cost is kinda cool.
It's SIP but they keep promising a soft phone for the line, like Vonaga, but
haven't seen it yet.
. . . j o n a t h a n

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