Matt Liotta wrote:

And in those cases you should probably use a laptop.

Ah, but I'm at the baseball game. At best, my laptop's in my car. (If I felt like putting up with traffic, that means it's in a nearby parking lot, ten or fifteen minutes away, plus however long it takes me to find a wi-fi hotspot in an unfamiliar downtown area. Most of the time, when I go to Cardinals games, I leave my car about 45 minutes away and hop on a train. That still leaves the whole "no Internet connection" problem in addition to waiting for a train, which often adds another half hour.)

It's more likely that my laptop is at home, which under ideal driving conditions is an hour and a half. Assuming I'm even fit to drive; it's a baseball game, and I do like my overpriced watered-down beer. If I were gonna drive that far, I'd just drive the extra six minutes it takes to get to the office.

And no, I can't phone it in (so to speak...) and have someone else do it. Discarding for the nonce the fact that I'm probably the only one in the office that can even tell you what BGP means, I'm sure you're well aware that, for this kind of troubleshooting, the ability to actually SEE what's going on is amazingly valuable, and no amount of "dude on the phone typing stuff in and reading what happens" can make up for that.

(Disclaimer: I'm exaggerating a bit, for comic effect, but the point remains. First-hand troubleshooting is almost always better than second-hand troubleshooting IMO.)

Matt, you have some good ideas, but they're not good for me, or for my network. I'd love to be able to build some super-duper do-it-all widget in-house, but as I'm the only developer here (and that's certainly not what it says on my business card), it's not gonna happen. The odds of finding a developer who can do all this for less than the cost of a handheld gizmo and a couple years of service for said gizmo are very nearly zip.

If you've used one of the small portable devices I was asking about - actual first-hand experience - and can comment on compatibility, let me know.

David Smith
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