We have an RB600 (overclocked to 533MHz) with a CF card in it caching 
for our internal office network.  It's just a 1GB card but we wanted to 
test it.  It's amazing how fast it makes downloads on things that are 
cached.  On a 10MB file, literally by the time my finger lifts off the 
enter button the download is complete.  The first time I did this I was 
sure I got a 0k file but the 10MB was there.  I'm concerned about the 
number of writes the CF will take before it fails.  It's been up for 
about 3 months now.  The card specs say 10,000 insertions and that isn't 
much when caching.

I'm going to put one of these on one of my repeaters when I get a spare 
minute just to see how much good it will do caching from an AP.  I have 
a few repeaters that are connected to 2.4 sectors and a couple of the 
sectors are starting to get loaded up.  If I can cache from the 
repeaters, it should help the load on the sectors.  I know it might not 
be much but every little bit helps. I've kind of been waiting for MT to 
support the micro SD card on the 433ah to do this. If this doesn't 
happen in the next few releases then I'll spend the extra $100 and build 
one with an rb600.

Caching at the drain pipe is great but it would be nice to take some of 
the load off of the remote repeaters especially the ones that are 
multiple hops out.



Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
> What I'd LOVE to figure out how to set up is a spoke and hub cache system.
> Let the MAIN site track the sites, then feed that data to all of the wpops.  
> This way we'd keep most of the traffic of the internet (great to get content 
> in single digit ms speeds rather than mid to high double digit ones) and we'd 
> not have to have all of the traffic go back to the main site all of the time. 
>  But cache's don't work well for small, low volume sites.
> Oh well, another project for someday.
> marlon
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Travis Johnson 
>   To: WISPA General List 
>   Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 9:21 PM
>   Subject: Re: [WISPA] Any thoughts on a decent cache server
>   Tom,
>   You can find all kinds of information if you do searches on squid. It's a 
> very popular caching system that runs on *nix. The amount of RAM is directly 
> related to the size of the disk cache.
>   When we had servers 5 years ago (two of them in parallel) they were the 
> fastest processors you could buy, with SCSI disk arrays in each one and I 
> think 2GB of RAM each. I would guess in today's world you would be looking at 
> 8GB or 16GB of RAM and very large disk arrays (6 disks x 500GB maybe).
>   The other thing to consider is you now have another point of failure in 
> your network. If a disk starts acting strange or the machine does a core 
> dump, whatever you have re-directing traffic to the box may take 5 seconds to 
> realize it's down and not send traffic to it. If you put it directly in-line 
> with your traffic flow, you will have a complete failure of all internet 
> services to your customers. :(
>   Travis
>   Microserv
>   Tom DeReggi wrote: 
> Any stats, on how much RAM is a good amount to allocated for the cache 
> servers, per user served?
> Obviously, a large fast DiskDrive, is needed if caching a lot of large 
> files.
> I'd also argue that DiskDrive probably should be located on a dedicated 
> appliance.
> Tom DeReggi
> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Marlon K. Schafer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Any thoughts on a decent cache server
>   When we had that trouble we just had to teach them to use the "shift,
> refresh" trick.  forced the cache to load the new page now instead of when
> it normally would have.  No trouble with them after that.
> marlon
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "George Rogato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Any thoughts on a decent cache server
>     The people that we had the most problems with were web designers who's
> sites were cached and they couldn't easily see their changes.
> We always told then to add no cache to their sites.
> But still it's a phone call and a discussion.
> Kurt Fankhauser wrote:
>       I call that 1% the "high-maintenance customers ".
> Kurt Fankhauser
> P.O. Box 126
> Bucyrus, OH 44820
> 419-562-6405
> www.wavelinc.com
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Bo Ring
> Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 4:07 PM
> To: WISPA General List
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Any thoughts on a decent cache server
> When I was an ISP, that 1% got me in real trouble. They scream loudly.
> On Jul 10, 2008, at 3:03 PM, David E. Smith wrote:
>         Patrick Nix Jr. wrote:
>           So is it safer/better to avoid caching servers altogether?
>             About 99% of your users won't notice, or know, or care, that 
> you've
> got
> anything like that in your network. The savings in bandwidth (and,
> to a
> lesser extent, money not spent on bandwidth) can help you out of a
> tight
> spot. Just be aware that the last 1% of customers can get you into
> trouble.
> David Smith
> MVN.net
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