I am using 5830 products - is this not the latest point to multipoint
product Trango has to offer (in the 5.8 band)?

>>The only possible reasons you could get that spread was if you were not
comparing equivellent
anntennas or doing something wrong, or had a bad batch of radios, or
something, but it was not inline with the capabilty of the product.

*Using 5830AP and 5830S SU (non-ext), to my knowledge you're stuck with the
panel for the AP but the SU you can use an external antenna but for a mere
7mi that didn't seem worth it.  I believe there were 2 radios on that
customer's grain bin before the MT AP was up, but I could be wrong.  It was
installed years before my time.*

>>You can;t jsut ignore that Trango offers a 24dbi antenna (Fox) stock for
under $350 price tag. Thats part of it's value proposition. You could argue
that you don;t like Dishes, but that is not what you said.  If you test
Trango 5830 that is a 18db antenna, and you must also use a 18db antenna
with the MT, for a fair comparison, which the 5830 ext can accommodate.

*I can see the arguement of the stock 18db antenna versus 23db MT antenna,
however I've yet to see where I can get a 5830S-EXT for anything less then
$500 (I'm only seeing the Trango website's price).  Keep in mind the MT
setup I am using is $220.  Can you tell me where to find these Fox units for
$350?  I am also interested in knowing if anyone has had good success with
the Fox product line as I certainly have not.  I have only seen three or
four of them on a tower way north of where our network lives, unsure of
their purpose.*

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

Those who don't understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
--- Henry Spencer

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 2:00 AM, Tom DeReggi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Josh,
> I did not mean to be disrespectful in my comments, but some of the
> information that you posted was not factual, and was misleading.
> You compared the older and most expesnive trango (because itwas old
> technology) with the Newest less expensive Mikrotik.
> That is not apples to apples. t minimum you should be comparingthe latest
> generation of each product line.
> It was sorta like me saying, all Alvarions are expensive because they have
> $1500 CPEs (which they do), without disclosing the fact that Alvarion also
> has a $350 CPE (which they do)designed to compete for WISP's business.
> Second, the RSSI levels that you represented were impossible if you were
> doing apples to apples comparison. Trango and MT have mPCI cards that
> transmit at just about the same TX power. (Trango 22db).  The only possible
> reasons you could get that spread was if you were not comparing equivellent
> anntennas or doing something wrong, or had a bad batch of radios, or
> something, but it was not inline with the capabilty of the product.  You
> can;t jsut ignore that Trango offers a 24dbi antenna (Fox) stock for its
> under $350 price tag. Thats part of it's value proposition. You could argue
> that you don;t like Dishes, but that is not what you said.  If you test
> Trango 5830 that is a 18db antenna, and you must also use a 18db antenna
> with the MT, for a fair comparison, which the 5830 ext can accommodate.
> To be clear, there was never an attempt to discredit MT or Butch's fine
> engineering. Simply that your math wasn't adding up, when you were
> reporting
> results you got with Trango.
> Tom DeReggi
> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Josh Luthman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 10:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Where is JAB when we need them
> >>>I have a problem with your FUD misrepresenting facts.
> >
> > *What facts am I misrepresenting?*
> >
> >>>They are not even close to accurate. You can't fairly compare apples to
> > oranges either.
> >
> > *Did you not just state my information was factual?  How can facts not be
> > accurate?  How could you possibly argue this?  What in the world could
> > possibly give you the right or capability to call me a liar?  I also have
> > to
> > ask what are apples and oranges as I believe I am comparing two 5.8 point
> > to
> > multipoint products.*
> >
> >>>Trango CPEs are $250-$300 per CPE
> >
> > *Where are you getting this price?  Here is what I am looking at:
> >
> http://www.trangobroadband.com/store/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=M5830S-SU
> >
> http://www.google.com/products?q=trango+m5830s&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title
> > *
> >
> >>>Trango is 22db consistent, and Mikrotik is LUCKY to get their
> > stated full 23db of a Atheros HP card in LOW modulations (not capable of
> > 26mbps), and I've rarely seen it actually deliver it consistently, after
> > all
> > the various potential places for loss (UFl, pigtail, out of spec cards,
> > lower grade filtering, etc).   If your Mikrotiks are getting higher RSSI,
> > then you are illegallly over powering your Mikrotiks.
> >
> > *I didn't do much of the wireless configuration - Butch made a template
> > for
> > me.  I have a really hard time believing that the cause of the
> > disagreement
> > here is "illegally over powering [my] Mikrotiks".*
> >
> >>> You can't compare Trango's oldest product line to MIkrotik's newest.
>  If
> > you
> > are concerned about price you shouldn't be buying 5830s. There is a
> reason
> > that they made the FOX.
> >
> > *I deployed around a dozen FOX units.  The last set were used to replace
> > the
> > first set that had gone bad.  **In the last year only one remains not
> > defective. **This one loses association at least once throughout the
> month
> > and will be replaced if the customer complains about it.*
> >
> >>>I'd agree with this.  But from looking at his post, it looked more like
> > he was telling his own experience.  Certainly he knows more about his
> > own experience than you.  Perhaps he is misreading the data, but that's
> > not the assumption it looks like you are making.
> >
> > * Everything I have stated is based on facts.  Key word being
> > "experience".
> > My purpose of my post was to report my success story and my past
> > experiences.*
> >
> > Josh Luthman
> > Office: 937-552-2340
> > Direct: 937-552-2343
> > 1100 Wayne St
> > Suite 1337
> > Troy, OH 45373
> >
> > Those who don't understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
> > --- Henry Spencer
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:21 PM, Butch Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> On Mon, 2008-12-08 at 21:35 -0500, Tom DeReggi wrote:
> >>
> >> > I don't have a problem with you finding a reason or jsutification to
> >> > use
> >> > Mikrotik. Mikrotik has a powerful unique product to save WISPs money.
> >> > However, I have a problem with your FUD misrepresenting facts. They
> are
> >> not
> >> > even close to accurate. You can't fairly compare apples to oranges
> >> either.
> >>
> >> Which is the apple and which the orange.
> >>
> >> > Trango CPEs are $250-$300 per CPE and go for 12 miles, and never once
> >> > in
> >> my
> >> > life had a Trango with a RSSI as low as -87. Under no shape or form
> >> > will
> >> a
> >> > Mikrotik ever get a higher RSSI than a DSSS Trango radio of
> equivellent
> >>
> >> This is not necessarily true, either.  The truth is that it depends on
> >> MANY factors.  The radio itself is one of them.  Mikrotik is not a
> >> "CPE", but an operating system (hence the name "RouterOS").  Just
> >> because you have not seen the lower RSSI values doesn't mean that it
> >> doesn't happen.
> >>
> >> > Mikrotik is LUCKY to get their stated full 23db of a Atheros HP card
> in
> >> > LOW modulations (not capable of 26mbps), and I've rarely seen it
> >> > actually
> >> > deliver it consistently, after all the various potential places for
> >> > loss
> >> > (UFl, pigtail, out of spec cards, lower grade filtering, etc).
> >>
> >> Hmm.  Looks like you NAILED it!  Using a superior operating system with
> >> quality components (good radio card and quality antennas/pigtails) CAN
> >> work as well as Trango or any other product on the market.
> >>
> >> > If your Mikrotiks are getting higher RSSI, then you are illegallly
> >> > over powering your Mikrotiks.
> >>
> >> This is a really broad statement and unfair accusation.  You have no
> >> real idea if he is doing that or not.  I don't know if he is or isn't,
> >> but the point is that neither do you.
> >>
> >> > You can't compare Trango's oldest product line to MIkrotik's newest.
> >> > If
> >> you
> >> > are concerned about price you shouldn't be buying 5830s. There is a
> >> reason
> >> > that they made the FOX.  You need to select the right product and buy
> >> savy
> >> > for Trango, just like you do for Mikrotik.  You will also find that
> >> > Mikrotik doesn't do anywhere near 26mbps consistent throughput in a
> >> > scaled PtMP environment, expecially with the slightest amount of
> noise,
> >> > after combating all the congestion issues of a Wifi protocol (no
> >> > Nstreme polling does not perform as well as Trango polling).
> >>
> >> First, you are missing several realities of how MT works.  Mikrotik's
> >> Nstreme is MUCH more than just polling.  Nstreme offers 3 specific
> >> benefits, one of which is configurable for specific types of network
> >> traffic while the other 2 are simply a "switch".  With Nstreme you now
> >> have the option to turn off CSMA.  This fixes a LOT of the problem that
> >> outdoor wifi had in the first place.  Then, you have polling.  The
> >> polling mechanism has gotten a LOT of work recently.  Versions after
> >> 3.15 (currently only in the test package) have a MUCH better polling
> >> mechanism and can scale very well.  Perhaps not the the hundreds that a
> >> Canopy system can do, but then you don't need it to do that since you
> >> can build out more APs for the same $$.  Finally, you have the other
> >> MAIN benefit of Nstreme, which is the packet aggregation feature.  This
> >> feature is where the real benefit to Nstreme resides.  You and I both
> >> know that typical IP traffic for most users is not even CLOSE to the
> >> 1500 byte MTU of Ethernet.  The average packet size is MUCH smaller.
> >> Let's just say it's 200 bytes (this will vary a LOT, depending on the
> >> network).  What the packet aggregation does is put multiple IP packets
> >> inside a single protocol frame.  The policy that is used to determine if
> >> an IP packet goes into a frame that is being sent is configurable with 4
> >> options.  I won't go into detail on those options, as they are
> >> documented and you can go read about them.  This aggregation technique
> >> can reduce the wireless network's overhead (thereby increasing timeslots
> >> available for real data) and can make a significant improvement in
> >> network throughput.  It was back in 2004 that I upgraded a single point
> >> to point link and was amazed at the increase.  This was a link that was
> >> running about 12Mbit throughput before Nstreme and simply turning
> >> Nstreme on for that link, it jumped to 18Mbit!  That's a 50% increase
> >> (or 33, depending on how you calculate it).  And that was WAY before the
> >> recent improvements in the protocol.  The point here is this:  You are
> >> comparing MT's polling to Trango's polling and the real benefit to MT's
> >> Nstreme isn't even in the polling mechanism.
> >>
> >> > There are many WISPs migrating to Mikrotik for some areas and
> >> applications.
> >> > But lets keep it real. Mikrotik has plenty of value, it is not
> >> > necessary
> >> to
> >> > distort Trango's capability.
> >>
> >> I'd agree with this.  But from looking at his post, it looked more like
> >> he was telling his own experience.  Certainly he knows more about his
> >> own experience than you.  Perhaps he is misreading the data, but that's
> >> not the assumption it looks like you are making.
> >>
> >> --
> >> ********************************************************************
> >> * Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
> >> * http://www.butchevans.com/    * Network Engineering              *
> >> * http://www.wispa.org/         * WISPA Board Member               *
> >> * http://blog.butchevans.com/   * Wired or Wireless Networks       *
> >> ********************************************************************
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >
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