Brian Webster wrote:
> Amen Rick!!!!
> I've always maintained the thought that the 350 Million was another back
> door political payback to the Telco and cable companies via Connected
> Nation. With the fact that this funding gets put out there and then the data
> never really becomes available because of the NDA's signed, it just smells
> like a pork barrel project to me. Your explanation just backs up that idea.

Um..... what? Where do you see in the law where the data won't be 
available? What page and section?

> If you want to map broadband, go to a small organization like myself. We can
> do the work for tenths of a penny on the dollar these guys are quoting. You
> just build that cost in to the rest of your stimulus project and move on.
> Trying to take on Connected Nation is a losing battle. Just step around them
> and move forward......there are plenty of ways to map the competitive
> broadband in a market without proprietary data and you can successfully do
> it to convince the organizations that are handing out money.

Go compete for the (sub)contract then, instead of whining on the mailing 

This sort of baseless posturing is pathetic and does your company a 

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